Patryk Rebisz

“Last Day of Summer” (a 12-day feature) – other locations

Posted in Uncategorized by patrykrebisz on December 22, 2009

Here are the screen grabs from other locations. They are very small episodic locations, so usually relatively simple lighting set-ups.

Shipping Center. The whole scene was lit with a Kino and 2x 150w Dedos. we had plenty of available light in the location is it’s always a struggle of how minimalist you can get then right before the roll you get an idea to place just a tiny light here or there…

Camera Store. End of the night, every one on the crew was tires so no wonder all I did here is block out some available fluorescents, set up one 150w light and press the record button…

Hotel Lobby. Shot in the middle of the night. 1.2 HMI lighting the window blinds while another 1.2 HMI lights the light grid near the open door to over exposed the “daylight” outside. This is one of few times where I lit the character frontally and thanks to various patterns on the wall and his face I actually liked it.

“Last Day of Summer” (a 12-day feature) – fast food restaurant

Posted in Uncategorized by patrykrebisz on December 19, 2009

In the film another important location plays a fast food restaurant where our hero (DJ Qualls) was once employed only to be bullied by his boss (William Saddler).

The restaurant was so well “cast” that it really didn’t need much art direction on our part and since almost each way we looked we saw a great shots it didn’t need much in terms of making it “look cool” lighting. That said though my time at the location was miserable as we had to shoot so many scenes there that I never felt we are getting decent enough coverage. Here too is where the 2 camera shoot came as a savior. Consider the scene below where the boss walks around the back room asking employees bunch of questions. We set up one camera on wide lens and another on medium lens and from the 2 camera positions were able to capture boss’ interactions with both the girl and the fat guy then with single camera capture the reverse cut aways.

and here is the lighting diagram of the above scene (the 4k HMI was already set for another scene so it wasn’t crucial but it did help) – click for larger version:

Office. In the boss’ office once again we were welcome with such wonderful location that we barely had to do anything to get a great shot.

and here is the lighting diagram of the above scene  – click for larger version:

And a few other screen grabs:

“Last Day of Summer” (a 12-day feature) – hotel room

Posted in Uncategorized by patrykrebisz on December 18, 2009

In the film large part of the “action” takes place in a dingy hotel room where the characters fight, argue, talk, laugh, hate and relate to each other. Main challenge was how to keep the space interesting so that whole interaction doesn’t become monotonous. From lighting perspective main challenge was how to create the passage of time going from early morning, through the noon, early afternoon, sunset and into the evening. We accomplished that by being selective about what lights the actors and at what color temperature.

Morning. Actor is lit mainly from the cold light of the outside (here the stills come from DVD still in the process of being color corrected so the cold to warm rations are all over the place):

and here is the lighting diagrams for the morning shots – click for larger version:

Noon. Actors are lit from naturally balanced light of the outside with little fill from the inside sources of light. The colors are neutral:

and here is the lighting diagrams for the noon shots – click for larger version:

Both main characters start relating to each other. With the later afternoon we start loosing lights outside and it gets warmer. The actors are still mainly lit from the outside light:

As the characters relate even more  the sun starts setting. Action is lit with some strategically placed shafts of light of the setting sun and its color temperature changing to very warm:

and here is the lighting diagrams for the sunset shots – click for larger version:

Evening. By now the light outside is gonne so the only sources of illumination are the practicals from the inside of the room:

and here is the lighting diagrams for the night shots – click for larger version: